Monthly Archives: September 2018

Deadlifting 630: 7.5 Years Worth of Lessons

My goal with this article is not to impress you with a 630lb deadlift. Honestly, it’s not that impressive. It was with a hex bar, and people have definitely done more. However, I do want to take the time to communicate the lessons I learned over that 7 and a half year process. This picture…

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13 Facilities in 30 Days Part 3: 5 Minutes With Dan Pfaff

In part one of this series, we looked at what I learned in the two days we visited University of Minnesota strength coach, Cal Dietz, and how that shifted many of the perceptions I had about training the athlete. Then, in part two, I talked about our time at Westside and what they taught me about creating a…

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13 Facilities in 30 Days Part 2: Westside

In part one of this article series, I talked about our visit to Cal Dietz’ place and how it broke several of the perceptions I had when it came to training the athlete. Here, in part 2, I’m going to skip ahead to our visit to Westside and talk about our experience there and what I learned…

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13 Facilities in 30 Days Part 1: Perception Shift

Okay, so before we get into the meat of this article, I want to give you guys a quick intro on why and how this trip came to fruition. And in case you don’t know, what the trip actually was. Here was our route (roughly, there was a little extra mileage added but I’m sure…

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