Feels and External Cuing: The Importance of the End Goal

Without contact, a swing executed on a pitch is a failure.

For each feel that you have, then, it should end with what you want at contact.

Story ends his feel right at contact. And for him, that’s feeling the weight of his barrel start high and then whip out in front of him. When he then adds the posture we see in his full swing, that feel creates the high level barrel path that is part of what allows Story to be so successful.

The brain will organize the body based upon it’s ultimate goal: contact. Trying to implement a feel without it leading into the ultimate goal (contact), means that feel will be less meaningful to the body.

When working on the feels that create the moves that you want to make, always keep this in mind. The body understands the task (what you’re trying to do), so you need to make sure you make the connection between your feel and the goal of the task, in order to get a transfer of your “feel” to your “real”.