How Can I Throw Harder?

What do I need to do to throw harder?

This was one of the questions I received on my story the other day from several different athletes wondering how to gain velocity. While I could go through the “3 Mechanical Cues to Increase Your Velo by 5mph”, I just don’t want to.

Instead: the most foolproof way to increase your throwing velo… is to either invest in someone who knows what the hell they’re doing, or increase your own personal knowledge so YOU know what the hell you’re doing.

The problem I see with so many athletes that ask questions is that they’re lukewarm in their pursuit of mastery. They’ll do some, but not too much. They’ll train, as long as they can get their hour of fortnite in. They love advice and guidance, until they have to pay for it.

The more you’re willing to pour out and invest into yourself and your career, the more you’re going to get back. Making changes takes incredible amounts of energy. If you don’t create that energy, it won’t be returned to you.

In short: to throw harder you need to get damn serious about throwing harder. Knock down obstacles and don’t accept no for an answer. And if you’re questioning whether that really is the answer to the question “How can I throw harder”, you’ve already lost. Make it your answer.