The Benefits of Swinging in Slow Motion

Set these two clips up and try to mimic every move Springer and Guerrero make. Pay attention to every last detail, from your feet, all the way up to your head.

My reasoning:
These two clips are both taken from foot plant, through the finish. This is the portion of the swing that is really non-negotiable: nearly all high level hitters do it the same.

By forcing your body to move at an extremely slow pace, we are creating awareness around the positions you move through during this portion of your swing.

Whether you’re a toe tap guy, a leg kick guy, a no stride guy, etc… it doesn’t matter. When we get to footplant, we need the barrel to be accelerating forward, getting on plane, and working with direction towards the middle with a barrel that is coming up slightly to get on plane with the baseball.

What you’ll find is that the portions you have trouble mimicking in slow motion, are also the areas you’ll struggle with in your full speed swing.

This type of work is great at the beginning of your hitting session, as it ensures you start the session with an increased awareness on the type of swing you want to be taking during the following hitting session.