13 Facilities in 30 Days Part 1: Perception Shift

Okay, so before we get into the meat of this article, I want to give you guys a quick intro on why and how this trip came to fruition. And in case you don’t know, what the trip actually was. Here was our route (roughly, there was a little extra mileage added but I’m sure…

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Why You Should Spend Time Watching High Level Performers

Ken Griffey Sr and Ken Griffey Jr. Vladimir Guerrero and Vlad Jr. Bobby Bonds and Barry Bonds. Why is it that so many high level performers have sons that become as good, or better, than they were? Is it 100% genetics? Could Griffey Jr have rolled out of bed and been a hall of famer?…

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The 3 Things You Should Learn From Mookie Betts

Mookie Betts has pop. He’s listed at 5’9, 180 pounds yet already has 23 home runs (July 13, 2018), and is outhitting many who are much bigger than him. What’s his secret? (Are salt gainz your secret, Mookie?) Sadly, I don’t think salt is Mookie’s secret. Sorry. But… check out this pic: This is how…

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You vs. You: The Battle Within

Today’s guest post comes from Kyle Herrick. He has written here before, so if you like this article, be sure to check out his previous one here. — With all the distractions that living in the 21st century allows us, it’s rare to spend time alone with our thoughts. That is, unless you’re an athlete in…

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It’s up to You: Message to the Athlete

I’ve come to realize throughout my career that no matter what anyone tells you to do, or what anyone says you should do, the decision always comes back to you. Your hitting coach wants you to make a change? You’ll be in the box with the game on the line, not him. Pitching coach wants you to…

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Why “Use Your Legs” is a Bad Coaching Cue: Part 2

In Part 1 of this article series, I talked about what the lower body does in the throw, and why simple cues such as “use your legs” are not enough to make significant changes in the athletes’ lower half. We must first understand what is ACTUALLY occurring with the lower half, and then find a way to…

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Message From an Athlete: Why I Believe in DAC

My development as a pitcher has been a long and slow process. I was throwing low 80’s as a senior in high school eventually climbing to the upper 80’s by my sophomore year in college through sheer hard work and determination. Then I stalled out, staying at that same velocity into the summer before my…

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Why “Use Your Legs” is a Bad Coaching Cue

“Use your legs”! -Coach “What does that mean”? -Player “I don’t know, just use them”! -Coach again. (I don’t know either, Jackie) What if you were sitting in your ninth grade math class, ready and eager to learn about geometry (unlikely, but stick with me here), and your teacher, on the first day, tells you…

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How to Hit Baseballs Harder and Farther (aka Posture)

Cheesy sounding article title? Sure. Wrong? No. With every hitting coach and their mother talking about how the hands do this in the swing, or the head needs to do that, or the radial rotation of your vertical forearm’s humerus needs to be 35 degrees (kind of made that up), I feel as if we…

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In-Season Training for the Baseball Athlete; Part 2

During this time the athlete will be on a 2 day per week training schedule. They will be having games on Fri/Sat or Sat/Sun, plus a midweek game. As such, their lifting schedule should be built around those games.In Part 1 of the In-Season training series, we took a look at what a year round schedule for…

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